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Awarded the PRICE for the BEST CREATION at Solocoreografico Festival 2022 Torino, Italy "For her choreographic and dramaturgical development, combined with her bold interpretative skills.'

Special mention of the jury at the Festival 10sentidos in Valencia / Spain, may 2022.

2nd Place at the Seoul international Dance Competition 2022, category 'Choreography / professionals'





I've never felt committed to being XX just because I am XX.

Socio? Cultural? Gender? Identity?

Borders and concepts dissolve the more we keep on changing our perspective.

What is there, behind our socially requested avatar that bears our name? Who is actually willing to have a look? To all that pathetic, funny, absurd, random and useless human states?

Rosalie Wanka plays with elements of socio-cultural provenience and gender identity, with irony and humor creating a dance that doesn't care to define itself.





I always wanted to do a solo dressed up as a tango lady and dancing all the fancy contemporary floor stuff, so here it is. My movement fluctuates between tango sensuality and the concreteness of semi acrobatic contemporary floor work. I feel - and actually have always felt - trapped, between an expectation of femininity I even like to play with, sometimes, and the possibilities of moving I have thanks to my body, which get severely restricted by gender normative conventions (i.e. having to wear high heels).




The last to perform was Rosalie Wanka from Germany. And she earned the Creation Prize with the provocative PINK LADY. The artist starts with a strong and sensual female appearance, just as society demands, to then gradually dismantle widespread preconceptions, dramatically charged with irony and humor.

Carlotta di Marina, Campa di Danza, March 2022






Idea I Concept I Choreography I Performance

Rosalie Wanka



A Don Alfredo Gobbi/Eduardo Rovira

BangBang/Nancy Sinatra


Pink Pants & Schuhplattlercoaching

Fabian Kipp



Mehmet Vanli



Premiered in Theater Schwere Reiter on April 16th 2021 in the frame of  HIER=JETZT Festival - Platform for contemporary dance from artists for artists in Munich - Germany


Performances 2023/24


  • Festival 1,2,3 ... Soli - Espace aux échappées belles Lyon (FR) 04/23

  • Festival DanzattackTenerife (ES) 05/23

  • Krakow international Dance Festival (PL) 08/23

  • Solo contemporary Dance Festival Ankara (TK) 08/23

  • Gdansk international Dance Festival (PL) 08/23

  • Quinzena de Dança de Almada (PT) 09/23

  • HTRFest Athens (GR) 09/23


Performances season 2021/22


  • Festival Tango Arbois (FR) 07/21

  • Vienna Section International Dance Council Performance Series (AT) 12/21

  • In various churches and Synagogues throughout Germany as part of the Project 'Tango - the Art of surviving' for the year of celebration '2021 - 1700 years of jewish life in Germany' 10/21 & 06/22

  • Solocoreografico Festival Torino 2022 – AWARD for BEST CREATION 03/22

  • POSITIONS 022 | Discourses + Dialogues in contemporary Dance - Millstatt (AT) 04/22

  • Festival 10 Sentidos Valencia (ES) - Mention of honor by the Jury 05/22

  • Dance First Festival - Fürstenfeld Bruck (DE) 06/22

  • Show me your moves Festival Ulm (DE) 06/22

  • 19th Seoul International Dance Competition (KR) - 2nd Place 07/22

  • Lila Queer Festival - Zürich (CH) 09/22

  • Contact.Energy22 Tanztheater Festival Erfurt (DE) 10/22

  • Solocoreografico Festival Frankfurt & Friedrichshafen (DE) 10/22

© 2024 Rosalie Wanka

Photo © Paola Gallarato

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"...and those who where seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music..."

F. Nietzsche

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